Looking for a board that’s all about having fun? The Guapo is it! This longboard-style ride is perfect for hanging five, sitting while cruising, doubling up with friends, and so much more. It’s all about relaxing, getting creative, and having a blast on the water.
With its easy-to-ride design, the Guapo delivers smooth, effortless rides. The full-bodied shape, beveled rails, and concave hull keep you gliding along at a steady pace. Plus, the adjustable center fin lets you tweak your ride—move it forward for a loose, playful feel or back for a tighter, more controlled vibe. And yes, you’ll absolutely be the best-looking person on the lake. Guaranteed!
DuraSurf Construction Longboard Rocker Line Single to Double Concave Hull with Spoon Concave Nose Adjustable 6.5" Fin Soft Catch Free Rails EVA Surf Traction Pad Sizes: 5'2" | 5'6"