First time wakesurfing on a friend’s boat? Here are some things you may need to know before you hop on board. After all, being respectful and knowing what to do will help you get invited back.
- Don’t invite others without permission: You're super stoked to get the invite, we get it! However, it's just a really bad idea to invite others when it's not your boat. Remember in high school you threw a party one weekend when your parents were out of town? When 10 people turned into turned into a 200 person shindig?! Don’t bring that kind of situation onto your friend’s boat!
- Don’t be late: There’s nothing worse than waiting on someone before you take the boat out. No one likes wasting lake time! Don't be the reason others miss a bit of shred time.
- Don’t wear your shoes on the boat: Don’t trek dirt onto your friend’s boat. You should leave your shoes in your car or put them in your bag, no matter how cool you think your kicks are.
- Bring your own towel: Many boat owners may bring extras, but having your own is always best. If you don’t, you may have to sit there drenched and just drip-dry.
- Bring your own coast-guard approved life vest (if you have one): Like towels, your friend may have extra. However, this is an important purchase to make before you hit the lake to ensure you'll have one that fits right. Plus, it gives the impression you're committed and expecting future invites. Getting stopped by the Game Warden without the proper gear will get you a ticket. Don’t be that guy!
- Bring your own snacks and beverages:Sun, surf, and water will make ya hungry. Be sure to bring some snacks. Make sure it’s nothing too messy, because who likes Cheetos prints on everything?! And if you’re bringing alcohol, make sure you run it by the boat owner first, and bring enough to share. Cheers to that.
- No smoking inside the boat: Or if you have permission to do so, smoke on the rear deck. It’s just the nice thing to do.
- Be considerate of your ride time: Don’t be a hog on the board. Enough said!
- Bring gas money: Boats don’t run on thank yous. Be considerate of your buddy, bring $10 or $20, and offer it up for gas.
- Always offer to help driver wipe down outside/inside of the boat: This will guarantee an invite back. Often, people just thank the boat owner, grab their stuff, and head out. But if you’re the person who stays back to help clean, you’ll be remembered for your courtesy (A lot of boat owners are meticulous with their "baby" and won't accept the offer... but hey, at least you offered, right!).

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